हर महिला के लिए मां बनना एक बेहद खास एहसास होता है। बच्चे के साथ महिला का भी एक नया जन्म होता है, लेकिन किसी वजह से जब कोई औरत मां नहीं बन पाती है, तो यह किसी कमी की ओर इशारा करता है। शादी के कई सालों बाद भी जब दंपति को गर्भधारण करने […]
What Is the Difference Between ICSI and IVF?
Do you find yourself entangled in the choice of fertility treatment, amongst so many of them, and confused upon the best one for you? Deciding to go for fertility treatment is by no means an easy decision, but through proper research, information, and appropriate guidance you will be able to make an informed decision. IVF […]
IVF Cost India: What is the cost of IVF Treatment?
IVF (In- Vitro Fertilisation) is a process that assists in the conception of couples who, for some reason, are not able to conceive normally. Since it is a global issue, thousands of hospitals and centres for infertility treatment are available across the countries. Finances being a major and a serious consideration in availing these treatments, […]
IVF Pregnancy Symptoms: IVF Pregnancy Week By Week Symptoms
In-vitro fertilization is a well-known term in today’s world. That was once referred to as a “test-tube baby.” In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a time-consuming, expensive, and complicated treatment that allows infertile couples to have their baby and celebrate parenthood. These days infertility has cast its shadow on over 20% of the population who wants […]
Male Infertility Doctor: Which Doctor to Consult for Male Infertility in Delhi
‘Living with infertility is now a thing of the past; equipped with advanced medical technology and a skilled medical staff, we treat and manage infertility efficiently and with better success rates’ at Omya Infertility Centre is termed as the inability to conceive even after having unprotected sexual intercourse for more than a year. Male infertility […]
जाने मेल इनफर्टिलिटी (पुरुष बांझपन) क्या है| -Male Infertility Meaning in Hindi | Omya
पुरुष का महिला के गर्भधारण करवाने में असमर्थ होना पुरुष बांझपन / मेल इनफर्टिलिटी कहलाता है। अगर किसी पुरुष के 12 महीने तक यौन संबंध के बाद भी महिला गर्भवती नहीं होती है तो इसका मतलब है कि पुरुष को बांझपन की समस्या है। आजकल हमारी दिनचर्या, स्वास्थ्य , खानपान, आदि की वजह से मेल […]
Laparoscopy Surgery For Infertility Treatment & Blocked Fallopian Tubes: What To Expect?
Infertility may have gripped over 20% of the reproductive-aged population, but a scope of fertility treatments has helped many to overcome problems with conception and rekindled the hope of parenthood. Among the various infertility treatment options, laparoscopic surgery is one of the advanced tools and techniques considered a boon for pelvic fertility conditions. Laparoscopy for […]
Lifestyle modifications to Improve fertility | Omya Fertility
Lifestyle and the environment we live in play a significant role in growth and reproductive health. Time and again, evidence dictates a profound link between lifestyle and fertility. Lifestyle factors can show both positive and negative impacts on reproductive health. On one hand it can impact fertility in both men & women. On the other […]
Impact of Coronavirus Vaccine on male & female fertility & Pregnancy
Coronavirus or SARSCoV2 virus is a rapidly spreading virus that can primarily attack the respiratory organs. However, recent studies reveal that the long-term effects of the virus can be concerning in the upcoming years or decades. Infertility in both men and women is one of the major side-effects that can be observed in future. Low […]
Secondary Infertility: Unable to Get Pregnant the 2nd time?
Are you trying for your second child and unable to attain pregnancy or carry the child for the whole pregnancy term? You might be dealing with a bundle of emotions such as anger, hopelessness, grief, confusion, or frustration that secondary infertility can bring along. Infertility is when the couples cannot conceive due to conditions of […]