Laparoscopy Procedure Step By Step | Laparoscopy Procedure

Laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that can be performed to diagnose and/or treat problems related to the pelvic region. Both diagnostic and operational laparoscopy have the benefits of a faster recovery, less stay at the hospital, with minimal pain and discomfort.

Pre-requisites of laparoscopy

Usually, your doctor may give certain preliminary instructions that include,

  • Do not eat or drink for around 6-8 hours before surgery.
  • Stop the usage of anticoagulants such as ecosprin, etc, if using them earlier.
  • Avoid smoking and alcohol before the surgery, during, and after the surgery because they have a higher risk of complications and can slow down the healing process.

The entire procedure of Laparoscopy

The complete laparoscopic surgery is performed under general anesthesia and so, you may not feel the pain due to unconsciousness. The surgical procedure of laparoscopy includes the following.

  • Nearly 2 to 4 small incisions of around 1 to 2 cm are made below the navel region.
  • Creating Pneumoperitoneum
  • An optical trocar can be blindly inserted into the peritoneal cavity, or a Verres needle may be inserted through the abdominal midline and carbon dioxide is pumped to enlarge the abdomen. This allows a clear view while creating more space to work easily.
  • The laparoscope is then inserted and the images captured through this light and camera-abled device are displayed on the monitor guiding the doctor to check the actual cause of the issue.
  • The necessary tools and instruments are additionally inserted to accomplish the required diagnosis and treatment.
  • Once the procedure is performed, the instruments, laparoscope, and cannula are removed safely.
  • Lastly, the incisions are stitched, closed, and dressed accordingly.

3-D laparoscopy applies a magnified 3-dimensional camera to carry out the laparoscopic procedure.

Recovery post laparoscopy

Laparoscopy usualy requires a half-a-day stay in the hospital and observation for a few hours post laparoscopy. As the anesthetic effects after laparoscopy subside, monitoring of heart rate, breathing, and other parameters are necessary. Some may observe nausea as the anesthetic effects die down. Some of the other uncommon side-effects of this surgery include:

  • Slight pain or discomfort near the incisions
  • Abdominal bloating
  • The carbon dioxide gas can irritate the diaphragm causing shoulder pain and stiffness
  • Fatigue

Treatment for endometriosis at OMYA

However, these symptoms recede with a day or two post laparoscopy. It is advised to take enough rest and avoid strenuous activities for a week or so after surgery. The incision sites require regular dressing and cleaning to prevent secondary infections. It takes around 1 to 2 weeks to recover completely after laparoscopy. The recovery timeline also depends on the extent of laparoscopy and body condition.

Omya fertility centre in Delhi uses state-of-the-art facilities to take you through this entire laparoscopic procedure with lesser discomfort and a speedy recovery.

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