Male fertility test, often known as a semen analysis or sperm count test, measures the viability and health of the sperm. It is a crucial test for vasectomy, male infertility, and IVF. #Cost of male fertility test varies from INR 500 – INR 800, but it can vary from person to person. Omya IVF Centre […]
Author: Omyaivf
What are the best foods to eat during IVF treatment?
In Vitro Fertilisation is an exhausting fertility-enhancing procedure. It has helped many couples accomplish their parenthood goals. However, for the couples beginning their IVF journey, it is crucial to understand that a healthy diet plays a pivotal role in enhancing fertility. Foods lay a nutritional foundation for various body and metabolic functions- hormone production, biochemical […]
आईवीएफ गर्भावस्था के बाद सुरक्षा एवं सावधानियां- Top 7 Precautions After IVF Pregnancy | Omya
एक बांझ दंपति (infertile couple) के जीवन में आईवीएफ प्रक्रिया (IVF process) बहुत महत्वपूर्ण होती है। यह वह क्षण (moment) होता है जिसके लिए वे काफी लम्बे समय से इंतजार कर रहे है और तैयारी कर रहे हैं। एक बार जब भ्रूण (embryo) को महिला के गर्भाशय (woman’s uterus) में रख दिया जाता है, तो […]
What is the IUI Cost in India?
Dealing with infertility can be difficult for many couples, with a lot of emotional, psychological, physical, and financial stress overwhelming them. Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, is one of the first lines of treatment offered to couples experiencing fertility issues. Intrauterine insemination involves the insemination of sperm into the uterus at the time of ovulation. While […]
What Is The Egg Freezing Cost In India?
Women’s peak reproductive years are between their late teens and late twenties. But today’s women are independent and prioritise elevating their careers before having a baby. If you are here to read more about the egg freezing cost in India, you first need to get familiar with the concept. As women aspire to become successful […]
आईवीएफ गर्भावस्था के लक्षण: IVF Pregnancy Symptoms In Hindi | Omya
IVF क्या है: आईवीएफ (इन विट्रो फर्टिलाइजेशन) एक उपचार है जो कई माता-पिता को संतान प्राप्ति में सहायता करता है। इस प्रक्रिया में, आपके अंडाशय से अंडे निकाले जाते हैं और शुक्राणु द्वारा निषेचित किये जाते हैं। आईवीएफ प्रक्रिया में एग डोनर और स्पर्म डोनर का भी उपयोग किया जाता है। यदि शुक्राणु अंडे को […]
असफल आईवीएफ का कारण?- Reasons For Failed IVF | Omya
वैश्विक स्तर पर आईवीएफ (IVF) की औसत सफलता दर 50 प्रतिशत से कम है। इसका मतलब है कि आईवीएफ से गुजरने वाले लगभग आधी महिलाएं गर्भवती ही नहीं होती हैं और दुर्भाग्य से, आपका डॉक्टर हमेशा आपको आईवीएफ की विफलता के कारणों (reason for failed IVF) को बताने में सक्षम नहीं होता है। जानें IVF […]
Failed IVF Cycle: What To Do After First Failed IVF Cycle?
First of all, It’s important that before anything else, you take care of yourself and give yourself time to grieve. A failed IVF cycle does not mean that you should not try again. You must understand that the probability of pregnancy after one embryo transfer is only about 40-50% and around 87.5 % after three […]
How Many Injections for IVF Treatment?- Omya
If you are considering IVF treatment, you have made remarkable progress in your fertility journey. IVF, or in-vitro fertilization, is an assisted reproductive technique that helps couples realize their dream of having a baby. This procedure involves giving various injections to the woman to help the body get ready hormonally to nurture and carry a […]
How to make IVF successful the first time?
InVitro Fertilisation or IVF has been successfully adopted and accepted in India. Nearly 2 to 2.5 lakh IVF cycles are performed every year, and this number is tangentially increasing. You must be wondering “How to make IVF successful the first time?”. The success rate of IVF is subjected to many influencing factors and stands […]