Laser-Assisted Hatching in IVF | Laser-Assisted Hatching in Delhi

When the embryos are transferred into the women’s uterus, the embryo needs to attach itself to the walls of the uterus. To accomplish a successful conception, the embryos need to break their outer protective shell known as the Zona pellucida. The technique where the embryos are laser-assisted to break through their outer covering is called laser hatching.
Laser hatching in Delhi is coupled with In vitro fertilization (IVF) or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) and performed on the developed embryo to allow optimal implantation.

What is Laser-assisted hatching?

The invention of lasers has been a boon to reproductive medicine and assisted reproduction where lasers are used to “hatch” the embryos from their outer hard shell. Before the advent of lasers, mechanical or clinical methods were applied for assisted hatching of embryos. The main advantage of lasers is that the embryos require minimal handling. The embryo spends less time outside the incubator as this technique can be performed quickly compared to the hatching methods. This artificial hatching technique can improve implantation rates and reduce the failure of embryo implantation.

How is laser hatching in Delhi done?

The embryos formed as a result of IVF/ICSI are allowed to develop for around 3 to 5 days after fertilization. During this process, the embryo develops an outer protective covering called, zona pellucida that breaks naturally before the embryos get transferred. Sometimes, the embryos do not hatch from their outer shell and require assisted hatching techniques like laser hatching in delhi to be performed before embryo transfer.

In Laser-assisted hatching, the embryologist sends a highly focussed and precise increment of an infrared laser beam to break the zona pellucida through which the embryo can move out for implantation. The hatched embryos are transferred into the uterus of the woman where the embryo attaches itself to the uterine lining and further grows.

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Laser Hatching Indications

Couples undergoing IVF/ICSI can take the advantage of laser hatching. Some of the other indications of laser hatching are:

Advancing age: The egg quality deteriorates as the woman ages and likewise the sperm quality and quantity are low in older men. This can in turn impact the embryo quality. It is observed that older women tend to produce a thick outer embryo shell.
Hormonal problems: Women with high levels of Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) develop embryos that fail to hatch and implant themselves.
Embryo quality: Poor quality embryos including conditions such as a thick zona pellucida, lower cell division rate, or high cell fragmentation may require laser-assisted hatching.
Number of IVF attempts Couples who have had one or more failed IVF attempts.
Use of frozen embryos: It is observed that frozen embryos have a hardened zona pellucida even after accurate thawing .Sometimes post thawing embryos have difficulty in hatching so Laser hatching is helpful.

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