Factors causing Thin Endometrium | Symptoms & Treatment in Delhi

Thin endometrial lining can impact successful embryo implantation and lead to early loss of pregnancy. However, hormone replacement therapy and frozen embryo transfer can help to provide positive pregnancy results in women with thin endometrium.

Thin endometrium symptoms

Women with thin womb lining can experience symptoms such as:

  • Improper or failed implantation causing infertility.
  • Abnormal menstrual cycle with irregular and painful periods and reduced menstrual flow.
  • Sometimes, thin endometrium causes no symptoms at all.

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Factors causing thin endometrium

Some of the potential factors that can cause endometrial thinning are:

  • Reduced estrogen and progesterone levels : Estrogen and progesterone are two major hormones that play a vital role in the thickening and maintenance of a healthy endometrial lining during the menstrual cycle as well as pregnancy. Low levels of these hormones can impact the uterine thickening process and also cause inadequate blood supply.
  • Inadequate Blood supply : Inadequate blood flow to the uterine lining can cause its shrinking. Sometimes fibroids, polyps can also restrict the blood supply to the endometrium.
  • Infections : Infections like endometrial Tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases (SID’s), or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can cause inflammation and scarring affecting the endometrial health.
  • Surgery : Dilation and curettage (D&C) can cause thinning of endometrium post-surgery leading to Asherman Syndrome.
  • Medications : Constant use of birth control pills, oral contraceptives, Clomid (used to stimulate ovaries) can cause changes in estrogen levels and a thin, non-functional endometrium.

Treatment for thin endometrium at OMYA

Treatment for thin endometrium begins by evaluation of endometrial reception through an Endometrial Receptive Array (ERA). ERA helps determine the implantation window location/period to reduce the possibilities of an implantation failure. Treatment options for thin endometrium include:

  • Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) : Hormone estrogen or other hormones such as human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG) can help elevate the estrogen levels and help to thicken the endometrium. Certain growth hormones such as Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) and PRP therapy can increase the endometrial thickness.
  • Hysteroscopy : Scar tissue formations or adhesions can be removed through a hysteroscopy.
  • In Vitro Fertilization with Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) : Women with thin endometrium are recommended for an IVF treatment with the transfer of the frozen embryo to eliminate the chances of an implantation failure.

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